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Emergency Numbers

Hope you don't need them but just in case; Firstly call us on 0532 487 87 24 then call the appropritate emergency number for your case; Polis İmdat - 155 (Police) Hızır Acil Servis - 112 (Ambulance) Yangın İmdat - 110 (Fire Dept.) Su Arıza - 185 (Water Company) Elektrik Arıza - 186 (Electric Company) Gaz Arıza - 187 (Gas Company) Bilinmeyen Numaralar Danışma - 118 (Unknown Numbers) Alo Zabıta - 153 (Municipal Police) Alo Trafik - 154 (Traffic Police) Jandarma İmdat - 156 (Military) Alo Turizm Bilgi - 170 (Tourism Info) Alo Tüketici - 175 (Consumer Rights) Alo Gürültü - 176 (Noise Report Line) Uyuşturucu Bilgi - 171 (Drug Report Line)

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